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- 理工系英語・COCET単語集
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- 法律英語
- 研究図書
- アメリカ研究
- 高校~大学用教材
- リンガポルタ対応
- ActeaBo対応
- EnglishCentral対応
- 設問・解説スライド対応
2025 NEW
Care for All
−Effective Patient Communication for Healthcare Workers−

Authors | Hiroaki Tanaka / Kaoru Masago |
Genres | Medicine Health・English for Nursing Welfare and Rehabilitation・English for Early Childhood Education Majors / Four Skills |
Format | B5判 / 108P |
Price | 2,420yen(2,200yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791973194 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Reading Passages (2nd printing)Teacher's Manual |
Remarks | ★ Textbook introduction video |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This comprehensive English textbook is designed for beginner-level students who struggle with English. The focus is on developing English communication skills with foreign patients in hospitals. The learning experience is rendered more enjoyable through a variety of activities encompassing vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, listening, reading, speaking, and role-playing. In addition, it includes practical advice from nurses and occupational therapists who are active in clinical settings, as well as useful supplements like point-and-speak English conversation guides for clinical use.
Unit 1 Pressure to Please: Why can’t we say no?
Unit 2 No Time to Waste: Should we ban meetings?
Unit 3 Marketing Genius: How did Red Bull achieve its success?
Unit 4 Trains, Planes, and Automobiles: What is a Super Commuter?
Unit 5 Long Weekends: Should we work four days a week?
Unit 6 Tourism: Is it a blessing or a curse?
Unit 7 Agony of Uncertainty: Is it better to know what will happen?
Unit 8 A Long Way to Go: What’s it like to walk around the world?
Unit 9 Lost Cities: Are they myth or reality?
Unit 10 An Ordinary Hero: How did one man stop World War III?
Unit 11 Left or Right: What is bias in the media?
Unit 12 Gaming to Success: Can video games be good for us?
Unit 13 Digital Town Square: Why is Twitter always in the news?
Unit 14 For Love Not Money: Is there a dark side to working in Hollywood?
Unit 15 Entertainment Empire: How did Disney take over the world?
Unit 16 Spooky Science: Are ghosts real?
Unit 17 Believing a Lie: Can we plant memories in the brain?
Unit 18 Cell Magic: Can we make a living robot?
Unit 19 Looking into the Past: What is the James Webb Space Telescope?
Unit 20 New Solution: Can we turn carbon dioxide into stone?