ホーム > 見本請求・採用連絡のご案内


Sample Request






We will send sample copies free of charge to teachers of universities, junior colleges, vocational colleges, high schools and vocational schools who are looking for classroom texts. (Some of our textbooks may not be available free of charge.)

Please use any books that you regard as suitable for the subject of your classes.

Please Note
*We are unable to supply texts to students or the general public.
*We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
*We can consult with you depending on the number of samples you would like.
*Together with sample copies, we will include accompanying materials (teacher’s manual, CD, DVD, video, etc.). However, please be aware that some texts have no such materials that go with them.


Adoption Request


テキストの在庫を確保いたしますので、クラス単位でのご採用を決定いただいた先生は、テキストの詳細ページにある採用のご連絡から採用校名と予定部数をご入力ください。付属物必要欄(教授用資料、CD、DVD、CT 等)にチェックをしていただいた先生には、献呈させていただきます。既にお持ちで不要の場合には、付属物不要欄にチェックをお願いいたします。
お問い合わせ」フォームや、seibido★seibido.co.jp (★マークは@マークに打ちかえてください。)宛のメールでも承ります。




Out texts are in stock, and so once you have decided which ones you want to use, please enter the name of your school and how many you would like to reserve in “Adoption Notification”Notification of
selected text
on the page that gives details of our texts. If you check the column for related materials (teacher’s manual, CD, DVD, CT, etc.), we will send you complimentary copies. If you already have them, please check the column that shows you don’t need them.
Please send “Inquiries”form or an email addressed to seibido★seibido.co.jp( Please replace ★ with @ )for adoption request.

Please Note
*It is no problem if the actual number of books you order is slightly different from the estimated number of copies.
* We strictly control classroom materials in order to prevent unauthorized dissemination. Use of classroom materials including accompanying materials is limited to teachers who have chosen to use them.
*Delivery of newly published materials is subject to delay depending on factors affecting production.




Personal information we collect, such as delivery address, etc., is used for no other purpose except forwarding the material to you. For further details of our privacy policy, please click here.