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2025 NEW
Let’s Write & Learn English!
ーFrom Sentence to Paragraphー

Authors | Teruhiko Kadoyama / Timothy F. Hawthorne |
Genres | Four Skills / Writing・Paragraph Wriitng / Linguaporta / Online Resource Support |
Format | B5判 / 96P |
Price | 2,530yen(2,300yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791973088 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Reading Passages (2nd printing)Teacher's ManualPowerPoint for Online Lesson |
Remarks | Complete with online explanatory slides (PowerPoint) for use in class. ♦The text is also supported by Linguaporta. ★ Textbook introduction video by the authors |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This writing text was created by the authors of the highly regarded comprehensive English text series “Let’s Read Aloud & Learn English!” In order to boost student engagement, it is based around a series of scenarios set on a university campus in which the main character engages with various fellow students, with a focus on relevant basic vocabulary and grammar. Aimed at students producing paragraphs of about 100 words, it is ideal as beginner-level writing material. As well as being compatible with Linguaporta, it has a full range of resources for online classes.
●The text is compatible with Linguaporta →for details
Unit 01 Introduce Yourself
Unit 02 Introduce Your Friends
Unit 03 Write about Your Weekend
Unit 04 Write about Your Part-time Job
Unit 05 Write about Your Summer Plans
Unit 06 Give Directions to Your House
Unit 07 Write about Your Favorite Movie
Unit 08 Write about Things You Enjoy
Unit 09 Write about Your Schoolwork
Unit 10 Give Your Ideas: How to Improve Your English
Unit 11 Explain Japanese Foods
Unit 12 Give Your Ideas about Sports
Unit 13 Give Your Ideas about Social Media
Unit 14 Write to Yourself 10 Years from Now
(Total 14 Units)