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2025 NEW
English Across the World

Authors | Akihiko Sato / Richard Heselton |
Genres | Four Skills |
Format | B5判 / 136P |
Price | 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791973019 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Reading Passages (2nd Edition)Teacher's ManualFinal Exam Review Test |
Remarks | |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This material is designed to develop a balanced set of English skills while helping learners understand basic information about countries around the world and their cultures. Initially it focuses on grammar. Then, a section on trivia will encourage learners to engage with a culture and sharpen their reading comprehension skills. The activities in the Conversation section will help learners grasp the nuances of speaking. The ultimate goal is for learners to become more confident in English through giving presentations. Teaching materials include quizzes for each chapter and two sets of tests that are compatible with Google Forms.
Unit 1 The Start of Pizza Margherita 【Italy】(Verb)
Unit 2 The Name of Kuala Lumpur 【Malaysia】(Personal Pronoun /Article)
Unit 3 The Beatles Audition 【The UK】(Auxiliary Verb)
Unit 4 Exploring the Great Sphinx 【Egypt】(Passive Voice)
Unit 5 Founders of Adidas and Puma 【Germany】(Present Perfect)
Unit 6 The Haka Dance Legacy 【New Zealand】(Progressive)
Unit 7 The Land of Smiles 【Thailand】(Comparative)
Unit 8 The Gift of the Statue of Liberty 【The USA】(Superlative)
Unit 9 Saunas Worldwide 【Finland】(Infinitive / Gerund)
Unit 10 The Logo of GODIVA 【Belgium】(Causative Verb)
Unit 11 The Secret of Distance Runners 【Kenia】(Subjunctive Mood)
Unit 12 The House of Coco Chanel 【France】(Relative Pronoun)
Unit 13 The Guinness Book and Beer 【Ireland】(Conjunction)
Unit 14 The Lost City of the Incas 【Peru】(Preposition)