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2025 NEW
Exploring Liberal Arts in the 21st Century
Authors | |
Genres | Reading & Writing |
Format | B5判 / 136P |
Price | 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791973187 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
Remarks |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
Offering intellectually stimulating and culturally enriching content, this text includes 15 passages tailored for university students in the 21stcentury. The writing exercises encourage students to think deeply, express themselves in English, and develop critical and logical thinking skills. The material covers a wide array of fields from advanced engineering to philosophy, art, literature, sociology, and interdisciplinary studies, enhancing reading skills and self-expression. It is a valuable resource for improving English proficiency while acquiring international cultural knowledge. Suitable for intermediate to advanced classes.
Unit 1 Explore the World Beyond the Syllabus
Unit 2 The University and Civic Engagement: A Brief History
Unit 3 Life Design for Centenarians
Unit 4 Can Humans Really Fall in Love with Robots?
Unit 5 Business in Asia: Global Talents in Japan
Unit 6 What Literary Works Teach Us
Unit 7 Advice from the Philosopher Nietzsche: Have a Strong Will to Live Well
Unit 8 Three Tools for Learning at University
Unit 9 Laugh and Then Think: The Ig Nobel Prize
Unit 10 Ecological Thinking
Unit 11 Healthcare, and Quality of Life in Two Cities
Unit 12 Sports, Culture, and Communication
Unit 13 Form and Function in Classical Music
Unit 14 Looking at Art of Other Cultures
Unit 15 Interdisciplinary Studies: Where Science and Humanities Meet
(Total 15 Units)