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2025 NEW
Our World, Our Stories

Authors | Dave Rear |
Genres | Social Issues / Essay / |
Format | B5判 / 144P |
Price | 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791973170 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Reading Passages (2nd printing)Teacher's Manual |
Remarks | |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This is an advanced reading text that stimulates intellectual curiosity in four fields: economics and work, humans and society, media and entertainment, and science and technology. It addresses topics such as why people can’t say no and how to confront biased media reporting, prompting thought about contemporary societal issues. Centered around high-quality essays (of approximately 850 words), it will increase academic vocabulary while providing activities to enhance reading and listening skills. Additionally, it will strengthen the ability to express personal opinions through discussions and writing exercises. Teacher’s materials include comprehension questions for each unit.
Unit 1 Pressure to Please: Why can’t we say no?
Unit 2 No Time to Waste: Should we ban meetings?
Unit 3 Marketing Genius: How did Red Bull achieve its success?
Unit 4 Trains, Planes, and Automobiles: What is a Super Commuter?
Unit 5 Long Weekends: Should we work four days a week?
Unit 6 Tourism: Is it a blessing or a curse?
Unit 7 Agony of Uncertainty: Is it better to know what will happen?
Unit 8 A Long Way to Go: What’s it like to walk around the world?
Unit 9 Lost Cities: Are they myth or reality?
Unit 10 An Ordinary Hero: How did one man stop World War III?
Unit 11 Left or Right: What is bias in the media?
Unit 12 Gaming to Success: Can video games be good for us?
Unit 13 Digital Town Square: Why is Twitter always in the news?
Unit 14 For Love Not Money: Is there a dark side to working in Hollywood?
Unit 15 Entertainment Empire: How did Disney take over the world?
Unit 16 Spooky Science: Are ghosts real?
Unit 17 Believing a Lie: Can we plant memories in the brain?
Unit 18 Cell Magic: Can we make a living robot?
Unit 19 Looking into the Past: What is the James Webb Space Telescope?
Unit 20 New Solution: Can we turn carbon dioxide into stone?
(Total 20 Units)