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2025 NEW
Supports TESTUDY online study (with tests)
Authors | YOSHIZUKA Hiroshi / Graham Skerritt |
Genres | TOEIC® L&R TEST / TESTUDY / Online Resource Support |
Format | B5判 / 128P |
Price | 2,750yen(2,500yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791973132 |
TOEIC® target score |
400点~500点 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E / Brit E |
for Teachers |
Remarks | Complete with online question slides for use in class. ※Editing functions such as copy-and-paste or adding self-produced material are unavailable. ♦Supports TESTUDY online study (with tests) →for details ★ Textbook introduction video |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
The fourth installment of the well-received TOEIC® TEST comprehensive series of textbooks “BEST PRACTICE FOR THE TOEIC® L&R TEST” is now available. This is the Pre-Intermediate version (400-500 points level)! Each unit starts with a dictation warm-up and is structured to allow comprehensive learning from Part 1 to 7. It also provides explanations and practice questions for frequently occurring grammar and needs to be mastered at the beginner-intermediate level. The teacher’s materials include answers, explanations, quizzes, and two extra tests. There are online materials for teachers that can be used for both remote and face-to- face classes. It also supports the online system TESTUDY.
Unit 1 Dining Out
(Verb tenses-1: present simple, past simple)
Unit 2 General Business
(Verb tenses-2: present progressive, present perfect)
Unit 3 Manufacturing
(Verb tenses-3: past progressive, past perfect)
Unit 4 Finance and Budgeting
(Nouns and their derivatives)
Unit 5 Communication
(Pronouns〈personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns〉)
Unit 6 Health (Adjectives)
Unit 7 Purchasing (Adverbs)
Unit 8 Personnel
(Gerunds, infinitives, and participles-1 〈Gerunds and infinitives〉)
Unit 9 Corporate Development
(Gerunds, infinitives, and participles-2 〈Infinitives and participles〉)
Unit 10 Entertainment
(Gerunds, infinitives, and participles-3 〈Infinitives and participle
Unit 11 Technical Areas (Prepositions)
Unit 12 Offices (Conjunctions)
Unit 13 Travel (Prepositions and conjunctions)
Unit 14 Housing / Corporate Property (Comparisons)
(Total 14 Units)