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2025 NEW
Deliver Your Message: Enhancing Presentation Skills with Videographics
Authors | Makoto Shishido / Mariko Takahashi / Kevin Murphy |
Genres | Online Video Streaming / Presentation / EnglishCentral / |
Format | B5判 / 156P |
Price | 2,970yen(2,700yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791973101 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
Remarks | ♦ Students are also able to view streaming video material on PCs, smartphones or tablets. ★ Textbook introduction video by the authors |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This intermediate presentation material uses videos from AFP Videographics. It is designed to improve fundamental English skills through videographic footage on topics of social interest that students will find engaging. Furthermore, it will boost creativity in English and basic presentation structuring skills and cultivate the expressive skills necessary to make a successful presentation. The appendix includes a collection of common expressions for presentations, a presentation evaluation sheet, and examples of how to logically develop presentations. Compatible with EnglishCentral.
Unit 1 Facial Recognition: What’s in a Face?
Unit 2 Daylight Saving Time
Unit 3 How Fashion Pollutes
Unit 4 Interest Rates
Unit 5 Artificial Intelligence
Unit 6 World Heritage Sites
Unit 7 Microplastic Pollution
Unit 8 Planned Obsolescence
Unit 9 Autonomous Cars: Hands on the Wheel for Now…
Unit 10 Filmmaking: From Idea to Screen
Unit 11 Carbon-Neutral Cities
Unit 12 The United Nations
Appendix Presentation Evaluation Rubric/Sheets
An example of logical development in a presentation
Useful Expressions and Phrases