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2025 NEW
CBS NewsBreak 7

Authors | Nobuhiro Kumai / Paul Daniels / Stephen Timson |
Genres | Online Video Streaming / / Online Resource Support |
Format | B5判 / 136P |
Price | 2,860yen(2,600yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791973095 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's ManualScript CDPowerPoint for Online Lesson |
Remarks | Complete with online explanatory slides (PowerPoint) for use in class. ♦ Students are also able to view streaming video material on PCs, smartphones or tablets. ★ Textbook introduction video by the authors |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This material is made up of carefully selected up-to-date news stories from CBS, one of America’s three major networks. It includes items from its flagship news program “CBS Evening News,” as well as morning information shows “CBS Mornings” and “Sunday Morning.” It covers a variety of US social issues, from the growing impact of AI in society and education to the role sneakers play in Congress. In addition, it covers issues unique to Japan as seen through American eyes, such as the problem of declining birth rates, classrooms for learning how to smile correctly, and the secrets behind long-established businesses such as historic inns. There is special focus on activities that enhance students’ ability to retell stories and express their own opinions. Teaching points, detailed answer examples, and slides that can be used directly in the classroom are included in the teacher’s materials.
Unit 1 Cool Cat Helps Kids with Vision Problems
Unit 2 Will Artificial Intelligence Take Your Job?
Unit 3 3D Chalk Art on Fourth of July Celebration
Unit 4 Youth Orchestra Works to Narrow Racial Gap
Unit 5 Can Robots and Humans Coexist?
Unit 6 Teens Help Seniors Learn How to Use Technology
Unit 7 Japanese Employees Take Part in Smile Classes
Unit 8 Planting Tiny Forests in Fight to Slow Climate Change
Unit 9 The Impact of ChatGPT on Education and Beyond
Unit 10 Customers are Fed up with “Tipflation”
Unit 11 Santa Claus in Atlanta Speaks Spanish, Sign Language, and English
Unit 12 Japan’s Shrinking Population
Unit 13 Sneaker Culture Comes to Congress
Unit 14 Unveiling Japan’s Longest-Lived Businesses
Unit 15 Could Quiet Soon Go Extinct?
(Total 15 Units)