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AFP World News Report 7

Authors | Makoto Shishido / Kevin Murphy / Mariko Takahashi |
Genres | Online Video Streaming / Linguaporta / |
Format | B5判 / 120P |
Price | 2,860yen(2,600yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791972883 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's ManualReading Passages (2nd printing)Teacher's CD_Review Test |
Remarks | ♦ Students are also able to view streaming video material on PCs, smartphones or tablets. ♦The text is also supported by Linguaporta. ★ Textbook introduction video by the authors |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
Using up-to-date news videos from AFP, this comprehensive video-based course covers a wide range of fields such as economics, culture, and education. Addressing global social issues, the topics take in autonomous ships, apps to tackle food waste, extreme sports, and ecotourism. Videos will boost listening skills while related English texts of around 280 words will help develop reading skills. Each chapter is designed to stimulate discussion centered around problem-solving, making it easier for students to switch from being observers to participants in the teaching process. Teacher’s materials include two sets of Review Tests.
●The text is compatible with Linguaporta →for details
●Students are also able to view video material on PCs, smartphones or tablets. →for details
Lesson 1 First autonomous ship prepares for maiden voyage from UK
*UK (England)
Lesson 2 The seaweed-eating sheep helping tackle climate change
*UK (Scotland)
Lesson 3 Video game developers cash in on Africa's booming market
*South Africa
Lesson 4 Ugandan children back to school after nearly 2year COVID closure
Lesson 5 Street art transforms Quinta Do Mocho District in Lisbon
Lesson 6 Waste not, want not: UK consumers use apps to fight food waste
*UK (England)
Lesson 7 Ethiopian girls take on gender stereotypes at the skatepark
Lesson 8 Africa to press climate finance demands at COP26
*UK (Scotland)
Lesson 9 Tourism's gifts and woes for Santa and Sami homeland
Lesson 10 Untapped potential:
The Central African Republic develops its agricultural sector
*Central African Republic
Lesson 11 Going home: Europe starts slow return of looted African art
Lesson 12 Torfaera, the motor sport captivating Iceland
Lesson 13 New Zealand outlines plans to tax livestock burps and farts
*New Zealand
Lesson 14 Poverty and activism combine in Chad street theater
Lesson 15 Rwandan company transforms gas from "killer lake" into electricity
Lesson 16 Historic German island is nursery for North Sea seals
(Total 16 Units)