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Medical World Walkabout

Authors Naoko Ono / Makiko Ishida DaSilva
Genres Medicine Health・English for Nursing Welfare and Rehabilitation・English for Early Childhood Education Majors / Four Skills
Format B5 / 128P
Price 2,750yen(2,500yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791972364
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual (2nd printing)Reading Passages (3rd printing) hs


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This four-skills text is designed for learners who are just starting out in their study of medical English. Students will be able to learn about a wide range of medical issues from different viewpoints, including topics such as Living with Cancer, How to Identify Reliable Health Information, Genetic Counseling, and Hopes in Regenerative Medicine, and will acquire background knowledge involving various medical scenarios. In addition, it provides several examples of how to interact and communicate with foreign patients in a variety of situations. The teacher’s manual contains a vocabulary test for each unit.


How Food Passes Through Our Body
Coping with Cancer: Five Stages of Grief
Where Medicine Meets Religion
Before Calling It Malpractice
How Are Drugs Developed?
What Comes First when Helping Others
How to Identify Reliable Health Information
What Is "Upstream” Thinking? 
Actions Speak Louder than Words 
Genetic Counseling as an Emerging Field 
Can Medical Tourism Be a White Knight? 
Hopes in Regenerative Medicine
Traditional Medicine in the Modern World 
Japan’s Healthcare System Is the Envy of the World
(Total 14 Units)

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