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Grand Tour ―Seeing the World

Authors | Anthony Sellick / James Bury / Kaori Horiuchi |
Genres | Essay / Social Issues / |
Format | B5 / 136P |
Price | 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791972340 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's Manual hsReading Passages (3rd printing) hs |
Remarks | (on items shipped from January 16, 2023) New list price 2,200 yen (2,000 yen + tax) |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This advanced reading text will help students acquire the knowledge needed to understand the rapidly changing modern world. The elegantly written 850-word texts are ideal for intensive reading practice. Including units on 3D printed limbs, eSports, and fake burgers, the wide range of topics is drawn from various spheres including gender, law, and business. In addition to strengthening vocabulary, there is a focus on exercises that will develop critical thinking skills. The teacher’s manual contains a mini-test and extra activities for each unit.
Finding Truth Among Online Lies
Why Do Some People Withdraw from Society?
The Rise of Esports
The Future of Food
The Impact of Science in Sports
The Positive Consequences of Negative Feeling
How Long Should We Work?
From Recycling to a Circular Economy
The Cost of News
What Does Cyberwar Mean?
Can a Country Change the Way It’s Viewed?, etc.
(Total 20 Units)