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- 観光英語
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- 英作文・パラグラフ ライティング
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- 論説・随筆
- 社会問題
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- 科 学
- 健康・環境・ライフスタイル
- 食文化・衣生活
- 医療・看護・保育・リハビリテーション
- 薬学英語
- イギリス小説・物語
- イギリス小説選集
- アメリカ小説・物語
- アメリカ小説選集
- 英米小説選集・英語圏小説選集・民話・神話
- 戯曲・聖書
- 人物・伝記
- 初級用読物
- 英米文学史・英語史・英語学概論
- 英語音声学
- 英語科教育法
- 小学校英語教育
- 経済・ビジネス・ビジネス英会話
- 理工系英語・COCET単語集
- キャリア
- 法律英語
- 研究図書
- アメリカ研究
- 高校~大学用教材
- リンガポルタ対応
- ActeaBo対応
- EnglishCentral対応
- 設問・解説スライド対応
Two Sides to Every Discussion 2
Authors | Jonathan Lynch / Kotaro Shitori |
Genres | Debate・Discussion / Four Skills / |
Format | B5 / 100P |
Price | 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791972104 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's ManualReading Passages (2nd printing) |
Remarks | (on items shipped from January 16, 2023) New list price 2,200 yen (2,000 yen + tax) |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
This is the second edition of the popular Two Sides to Every Discussion. This multi-skills text is designed to help students express their ideas clearly. The carefully selected themes take in relevant topics such as living in a share house vs. living alone and whether convenience stores should open 24 hours a day. The reading texts, which highlight pros and cons, are 300 words in length and serve as a springboard for writing, listening and speaking tasks. Teacher’s manual has a mini-test for each section.
Shared Housing vs. Living Alone
Studying in a Café vs. Home
Gakuran vs. Blazer
Coming-of-Age Ceremonies
24/7 Convenience Stores
Japanese Era Names
Point Cards
Disaster Volunteers
Domestic Trip vs. Abroad
Studying English Abroad
More Foreign Visitors
New Year's Eve Fireworks
April Fools’Day in Japan
Summer-Vacation Assignments
Halloween Is Best!
Valentine's Day in Japan
Smartphone Lock Screens
YouTube vs. Normal TV
Internet vs. Bricks-and-Mortar
Translation Software
(Total 20Units)