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AFP World Focus

‒Environment, Health, and Technology‒


Authors Makoto Shishido / Kevin Murphy / Mariko Takahashi
Genres Online Video Streaming / Health・Environment / Linguaporta /
Format B5 / 120P
Price 2,750yen(2,500yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791960347
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual (2nd printing) hsCD for Review Test ⅡListeningScript CD(Replay Speed 100% / 90% / 80%)Teacher's Manual (2nd printing) hs_PDF

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A multi-skills text focusing on the four skills through the latest topics in environment, health and science

This multi-skills text, designed for participatory English learning, encompasses discussion and presentation for collaborative English study. Focusing on the environment and health, it features science-based issues that point to the development of a richer and more abundant world. Specially selected from the latest AFP videos, it will reinforce listening skills. Written at the roughly 300-word level, the easy-to-understand passages will also help boost reading competence. The teacher’s material contains end-of-semester tests. 
●The text is compatible with Linguaporta →for details

●Students are able to view video material on PCs, smartphones or tablets. →for details


Diet and Health for Long Lives / Self-Driving for the Future / Sustaining Biodiversity and Protecting Species / 3D Printers for Creating Body Parts / Protection from Natural Disasters / Practical Use of Drones / Eating Disorders / Virtual Reality for Therapy and Treatment / Ecotourism and Protection of the Natural Habitat / Saving Food Waste, etc( Total 15 unit )