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Business as Usual An Integrated Approach to Learning English

with Self-Study CD

Authors Todd Jay Leonard
Genres Four Skills / Economics・Business・Business English
Format B5 / 104P
Price 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791951024
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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Business as Usual is a dialogue-based text that applies Business English into real life situations. Aimed at intermediate students, this text focuses on mastering useful expressions that are used in a variety of modern-day business situations. Accordingly, students who utilize this book will take a giant step forward in becoming a true business professional.

Key Features
◆Student-centered activities that focus on the four skills
◆Expressions and situations current in modern-day American business culture including: voice mail, e-mail, small talk, etc. 
◆Thorough explanations of cultural differences and similarities between American and Japanese business practices
◆Designed to build confidence in actively using American business English
◆Unit Structure: Dialogue/Comprehension Questions/ Matching/ Mini-Dialogues/ Pairwork Practice/ American Business Culture
◆Table of Contents: Making Introductions/ Taking and Giving Messages/ Going on an International Business Trip/ Everyday Business Dealings/ Business in the 21st Century (5 Units total)

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