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Reading The New York Times - Look at Japan‚ Look at the World -

Authors Hideki Watanabe / Yoshitaka Kozuka
Genres Current English
Format B5 / 112P
Price 2,200yen(2,000yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791950904
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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This high-level media English text will expand and deepen students' of Japan and the rest of the world.

This text is based in specially selected articles taken from the New York Times articles that appeared in its related publication, the International Herald Tribune. The articles were specially chosen to highlight the ways in which Japan is both at odds and in step with the rest of the world. With each unit containing a focus on vocabulary, a listening comprehension based on the content of the articles and composition exercises involving news-related terms, this is a text that can form the basis of a course. The teacher's materials contain background explanations for students as well as mini-tests.


Change Will Not Come Easily to the Security Council / Japan Announces Defense Policy to Counter China / Japan Summons Envoy to Russia Over Kurile Islands Dispute / Japan and Vietnam Agree on Mining of Rare Earths / U. N. Rejects Export Ban on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna / U. S. Leads New Bid to Phase Out Whale Hunting / Shanghai Schools' Approach Pushes Students to the Top of Tests / Is Going to an Elite College Worth the Cost? / Japan Nuclear Disaster Put on Par with Chernobyl / Physics Nobel Honors Work on Ultra-Thin Carbon, etc. (15 chapters)