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Listen to this! Basic

with Self-Study CD/Full Color

Authors James Bean / Gillian Flaherty / Waltraud Oka
Genres Listening・Speaking
Format B5 / 68P
Price 2,640yen(2,400yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791945788
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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Listen to this! Basic is one part of a two book listening and speaking course for college students. Filled with a wide range of activities, this text emphasizes the development of real life listening and speaking skills.

Key Features
◆Topics carefully chosen to mirror real-life listening and speaking situations
◆Graded tasks to guide students toward engaging in genuine and meaningful communication
◆A wide range of activities to maximize student interest
◆Increasing level of difficulty as the book progresses
◆Full color photos and illustrations
◆Unit Structure: Before you listen/ Listen for general meaning/ Listen and speak/ Listen for detail/ What do you say?
◆Table of Contents: It's nice to meet you/ That's a great hairstyle/ Shopping Trip/ What are you doing this weekend?/ My best friend/ I'm taller than you are/ Where shall we eat?/ Going to the movies/ Shopping for the perfect fit/ What's your favorite?/ Hard work/ I was so embarrassed!/ What should I do?/ A room with a view (15 Units total)