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Reading The New York Times 2

Authors Yoshitaka Kozuka / Hideki Watanabe
Genres Current English /
Format B5 / 90P
Price 2,310yen(2,100yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791933921
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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A wide selection of articles that report on current issues from Japan and around the world and will provide food for thought about the future. This text will suit a variety of levels and purposes.

This high-level current affairs text is organized thematically using up-to-date articles from the pages of The New York Times. The themes are varied, including the environment, economics, and education in a wide range of settings. The stories are not only about present-day events, but will also make students think about what the future holds in store for Japan and the rest of the world. The text can be used for a number of purposes including reading comprehension, debate and presentations. Designed for use with a wide range of students, the book contains extensive notes, exercises and mini-test, making it suitable for both advanced and intermediate classes. Further, teachers can also use video material related to the articles, which comes with scripts.


Matsui, Star in Two Continents, is Retiring / Japan’s Pollution Diet / Without Babies, Can Japan Survive? / Safe Food for Japan / Timing a Rise in Sea Level / Abu Dhabi Company Searches for Greener Method of Desalination / British Employers See Value in Europe-Wide Labor Pool / Madrid and Istanbul Respond Differently to Rejection by Olympics / Arts Education in Singapore Moves to Center Stage / Myanmar’s Educators Reach out to the World, etc. (14 units)