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CBS NewsBreak 2
with Self-Study DVD

Authors | Nobuhiro Kumai / Stephen Timson |
Genres | DVD |
Format | B5 / 104P |
Price | 2,640yen(2,400yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791933884 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's ManualScript CD(Replay Speed 100% / 90% / 80%) |
Remarks | |
成美堂から直接購入(返品不可) |
We may not be able to respond to requests from teachers who teach privately or have small classes.
The latest edition in the popular series CBS NewsBreak. Understand contemporary U.S. society and culture through authentic English news clips.
This DVD contains clips from CBS Evening News, a program from one of America’s three top TV networks. It gives the most up-to-date information about America’s changing society, including features on Japanese companies active there, the pros and cons of social networking, baby boomers moving back into the city and immigration. While improving listening ability, it also provides practice in shadowing.
UNIQLO Aims High / Study Finds How TV Affects Children’s Behavior / Texting & Driving -- It Can Wait / Students Unwind in Therapy Dog Lounge Ahead of Finals / Bringing Clean Water to the World Through Charity: Water / A Wave of Asian Immigrants / Facebook Envy / Smart Networking Tips / Bringing Manufacturing Back to the US via the Robot / Manners 101 / Baby Boomers Moving Back to Cities / Law Students Struggle to Find Work / Carbon Dioxide Making Oceans More Acidic / “Technovation” Aims to Get More Women Back in the Tech Workforce / Flipped Classroom is Changing the Way Students Learn (15 units)