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Target on Business and the TOEIC® Test Vocabulary


Authors Kayoko Shiomi / Hideo Yoshida / Kyoko Kosaka / Masato Hayashi / Takeshi Kamijo / Richard Silver / Oliver Rose / Jeremy White / Aaron Campbell
Genres TOEIC® L&R TEST / TOEIC® Vocabulary・Vocabulary and Idioms・Vocabulary Book / Linguaporta
Format B6 / 310P
Price 1,870yen(1,700yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791933860
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual (4th printing) hs

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Study business vocabulary with a rich variety of example sentences

To take advantage of the growing number of opportunities to interact with global companies, it’s important to share information by mastering basic business English. In order to do that, it’s necessary to acquire vocabulary. In this vocabulary-based text, you will find basic vocabulary for students, higher level vocabulary and business vocabulary as well as compound words and abbreviations. These words are all used in example sentences. Not only the meaning, but also usage is given. In addition, a Linguaporta study option is available, which will be useful when studying how to approach the TOEIC Test. The easy-to-carry teacher’s manual is about the size of a cellphone and contains vocabulary questions.

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1800 words total: 600 basic; 700 intermediate; 320 advanced; 120 compound words; 60 abbreviations