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Effective Reading 2

Authors Makoto Shishido / Asako Koizumi
Genres Speed Reading・Rapid Reading Extensive Reading
Format B5 / 64P
Price 1,430yen(1,300yen without tax)
ISBN 9784791910366
Audio Language Amer E
For Members
Teacher's Manual


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Effective Reading is an innovative blended learning text that combines traditional classroom learning techniques with modern Internet-based study methods. This text is effective for improving reading skills and reinforcing the content featured on the website.

Key Features
◆Introduces 12 reading skills necessary for effective reading
◆Reading passages and exercises reinforce different reading techniques
◆Cutting-edge study exercises and tests featured on the supplemental website 
◆Text can be used in the classroom or for self-study
◆Each unit contains: Orientation/Skills Training/ Reading Passage/ Comprehension Check/ Vocabulary Study
◆ Reading Skills: Prediction/ Scanning/ Understanding Paragraphs/ Understanding Text Organization/ Vocabulary Training/ Skimming (12 Chapters total) 
◆Table of Contents: Central Park/ Fast food insects/ TV Turn-off week/ Round Ireland with a fridge!/ Lithning/ Plagiarism/ Muhammad Ali, etc. (12 Chapters total)

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