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Our Home the Earth

Authors | Ian Bowring / Chris Coey |
Genres | Four Skills / Environment / Science / |
Format | B5 / 117P |
Price | 1,980yen(1,800yen without tax) |
ISBN | 9784791900657 |
Skills |
Audio Language | Amer E |
for Teachers |
For Members (Downloads) |
Teacher's Manual |
Remarks | |
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This text focuses on enhancing students reading skills while gaining exposure to scientific passages. Students will expand their knowledge of scientific vocabulary while studying about engaging scientific and environmental topics.
Key Features ◆Wide variety of contemporary topics include global warming, genetic engineering and the SARS epidemic ◆Basic concepts of science also covered and include the origin of the universe, human evolution and DNA ◆Written in clear and accessible English for the upper-intermediate level ◆Diagrams and graphs included for greater clarification ◆Unit Structure: Background information and essential words and phrases / Reading Passage / Vocabulary study / Comprehension questions / Summary and listening practice / Structure and written expression ◆Table of Contents: Part 1: Our Home: The Big Bang / Spaceship Earth / Plate tectonics / Global warming / Weather / Salinization and desertification / Part 2: Telescopes / Exploring the oceans / Antarctica / Instruments of observation / The Global Positioning System / Part 3: Life on Earth: The development of life / Human evolution / DNA and us / Fresh water / Diseases / Epidemics / Part 4: Technology: Genetic engineering / The Internet / Nuclear energy / Fiber-optics / Nanotechnology (22 Units total) |